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Plateau métallique à 4 niveaux pour support empilable

Plateau métallique à 4 niveaux pour support empilable

SKU : PRF.2141052
  • Dimensions

    CODE TAILLE (mm)
    PRF.2141001 610x360x1800
    PRF.2141011 760x360x1800
    PRF.2141021 910x360x1800
    PRF.2141031 1070x360x1800
    PRF.2141041 1220x360x1800
    PRF.2141051 1370x360x1800
    PRF.2141061 1520x360x1800
    PRF.2141071 1830x360x1800
    PRF.2141002 610x460x1800
    PRF.2141012 760x460x1800
    PRF.2141022 910x460x1800
    PRF.2141032 1070x460x1800
    PRF.2141042 1220x460x1800
    PRF.2141052 1370x460x1800
    PRF.2141062 1520x460x1800
    PRF.2141072 1830x460x1800
    PRF.2141003 610x530x1800
    PRF.2141013 760x530x1800
    PRF.2141023 910x530x1800
    PRF.2141033 1070x530x1800
    PRF.2141043 1220x530x1800
    PRF.2141053 1370x530x1800
    PRF.2141063 1520x530x1800
    PRF.2141073 1830x530x1800
    PRF.2141004 610x610x1800
    PRF.2141014 760x610x1800
    PRF.2141024 910x610x1800
    PRF.2141034 1070x610x1800
    PRF.2141044 1220x610x1800
    PRF.2141054 1370x610x1800
    PRF.2141064 1520x610x1800
    PRF.2141074 1830x610x1800
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